Advertising and PR
“Any person or organization depends ultimately on public approval, and is therefore faced with the problem of engineering the public's consent to a program or goal.”
-- Edward Bernays
The sort of savvy clients we deal with at TSA understand the difference between advertising and PR, but it's often still worth a brief chat so we all know the limits of our work, manage expectations and ensure we're singing from the same song sheet.
In short, advertising is paid media and PR is earned media. And of course, we're reminded of the old adage bandied around the lecture rooms of many a university - "Advertising is what you pay for, publicity is what you pray for."
Today, no one has a problem understanding that what they are looking at on the side of a taxi, a billboard or the side of a highway is paid for advertising. We are fed adverts throughout the day, in every aspect of our lives. And today, positive brand image and association is built via vast multi-channel advertising budgets.
But PR is more subtle – dare we say a 'dark art?' We take your messages in a variety of forms and use our chops to persuade media to publish them. Adverts come and adverts go, but people choose to read articles, and they have a longer, more pervasive shelf life.
Photo: Jo San Diego
The battle for column inches is tough, because appearing in the written section of a publication or website gives a story more credibility. Via a media outlet's editorial team, the information delivered via PR has been verified by a trusted third party, rather than purchased.
Indeed, studies have shown that articles are between ten and 100 times more valuable than advertising – depending on the measuring and monitoring used, of course.
Highly regarded research company Neilsen declared that PR is almost 90% more effective than advertising, in a study examining the role of content in the consumer decision-making process.
Advertising is considered by many – certainly in the PR profession – to be a top-down, inside-out way of communicating, mirroring senior management's view on what a consumer or business-to-business buyer should think is important.
But PR depends upon listening to the conversation and understanding the who, what, when, where, why and how of engaging in any discussion. We are story tellers at heart, and the story is often centred around a perceived problem – and our clients' solution to that problem.
Advertising and marketing are the product. The plain thing on the counter. PR is the gift wrapping, the finesse that makes the plain thing sparkle, and gain more perceived value.
An advertisement in a newspaper or magazine can cost thousands of dollars, and may not bring tangible results. A quote from your company CEO appearing on Reuters will bring long lasting credibility, interest and further opportunities to speak – for a tiny fraction of the cost of that ephemeral one page, one day advert.
Edward Bernays, often described as the father of PR, quoted above, realised that PR can be used for good and bad, but we like to think the good has won this particular battle. In this era of increasing mistrust of media, 'fake news' and false claims spread via social media and chat tools, we have a strong moral duty to work with fastidious integrity, honesty and responsibility.
Advertising, just like PR, is also held up to lofty standards today. We stand together, with the simple aligned aims of encouraging stakeholders to understand a brand, to engage with it and ultimately, to enjoy it. Advertising and PR may have different roles, achieved via different means, but we work towards the same goals.
We believe that PR, advertising and marketing all go hand-in-hand. Each has a role to play. Each is effective in different ways, and for different purposes. But like disparate parts of an engine, they work best when they come together.